关于4小时100%女巫通关,作者的留言 part5 final

138- Probably the second hardest segment in the game, maybe third (hell ancients is hardest, hell Baal 2nd or 3rd). I get a VERY light spawn of mobs here, which is convenient. Diablo goes down with not too much of a fight, although I do get stuck on a corner and eat half of a lightning firehose, but I get to eat a juvi right after.
138- 几乎是全部视频中第二艰难的,或者第三(3BB是最难的,巴尔排第二或第三)。我遇到了海量的mobs(放闪电的幽灵)。大菠萝被我干掉了,没费太大力气。(sg552: 后面的怎么翻译?)

139- Quick town segment to prepare for Shenk. Shenk is extremely hard, as you'll soon see.
139- 准备干掉山克。你会发现,山克很难对付的。

140- Shenk AND his mobs are all cold immune. This makes it a HUGE pain to do any damage to him, and killing him takes a lot of work. I have to kite his mobs around a good amount before I can do lethal damage to him.
140- 山克和他小弟都是冰免。太痛苦了。太难打了。只好先把他的小弟们放风筝,找到机会了再干掉山克。

141- Waypoint run.
141- 跑啊跑,为了踩路标。

142- Socketing my merc's Kelpie snare with a Tal rune. This gives it poison damage, which prevents monster heal. This was mainly for ancients, although again, it didn't really help. There's nothing else I want to socket though, so I have no regrets.
142- 给PET的武器Kelpie snare打个孔,装了个Tal神符。可以增加毒伤害,阻止怪物自疗。主要是为了给3BB预备的。尽管效果微乎其微。因为我不知道镶啥好了,所以镶个Tal吧!

143- Anya. Frozenstien is super pissed, but fortunately I don't have to kill him, and I can just sneak Anya out of there (actually I unfreeze her and then bail, leaving her to fend for herself, but she makes it back to town).
143- 安雅MM. Frozenstien太强大了,还好我不用干掉它们。只要偷偷的救出安雅就欧了~(实际上我仅仅把解冻药水给了她,然后我就瞬移了,是她靠自己的力量从敌人群中跑出来的)

144- Ancients way WP run.
144- 找啊找,远古人的路标。

145- Town segment preparing for the ancients.
145- 城镇中的准备工作,打3BB.

146- HARDEST segment in the game. The town portal scrolls are to reroll the ancients. They can come up with some really annoying mods. Any 'bad' mod and I'll simply have to reroll the ancients. If it takes too many rerolls, I just have to restart the segment. This one probably took the most tries out of the whole run - it was EXTREMELY difficult.
146- 游戏中最最难打的地方。只要一用回程卷轴,3BB就白打了。而且下次他们出现的属性跟这次还不一样。(冰免火免啥的)。一旦属性克制我,我就得开个回城,然后重新打3BB。要是回城用的太多,时间就浪费了,我也没法“快速通关”。这段视频就得重新录制。所以大家看到的这段视频是背后,我可是做了无数次的尝试的,几乎是本次快速通关中尝试最多的段落,真不容易啊!

Madawac- ALWAYS immune to lightning. I would reroll if he was cold immune, because then I'd have to fireball him down from 100% to 0%, which is retarded.
Madawac- 几乎一直是电免。如果他是冰免,我就得开回城重打。难道我能用大火球干掉他吗?不可能。

Talic- ALWAYS fire immune (which I don't care about). I would reroll if he was lightning immune OR cold immune, since I both static and frorb him to death.
塔里克- 几乎总是火免(这个倒没所谓)。因为我干掉他的办法是:静力场 + 冰封球,所以如果他是电免或者冰免,我就得开回城。

Korlic- ALWAYS cold immune. This one is the real bastard. If he is either fire immune or lightning immune, I reroll. I need to static him down to 50%, and then fireball him down to 0, which takes a while because FB is nowhere near the power of my orb.
克里克- 总是冰免。我最烦他了。如果他是火免或者电免,我就得重打。因为需要用静力场把它的HP干到50%,然后使用大火球打很久才能干掉他。因为大火球的伤害跟冰封球差远了。

It all goes pretty smoothly. I didn't teleport to the worldstone keep waypoint because I didn't want to die after successfully killing the ancients, and I have about a 50% chance of dying while teleporting through the worldstone keep.

147- Nihlathak. His friends are all cold immune, so I have to do this annoying dance. Not too difficult. I have to be wary of corpse explosion here on the serpents - CE of the suicide bombers won't kill me though (it's based off the hp of the corpse, and the suicide bombers don't have much).
147- 尼拉塞克。他的小弟们都是冰免。有点小困难。不过也不是很难。只需要小心他的尸爆就欧了。另外,对自爆小兵的尸爆也没什么威胁,因为尸爆的伤害取决于原来怪物的HP。如果本身的HP就很少,那么尸爆造成的伤害也不多。

148- Personalizing my stupid boots just to burn out the quest.
148- 给鞋子加上个人签名,就是为了完成任务。

149- Town segment to prepare for Baal.
149- 城镇里,为K 巴尔做准备。

150- Baal. This went REALLY smoothly, despite the ugly parking of the 5th pack. Not only were the random mobs outside the room the vipers (EXTREMELY easy to kill compared to everything else), but the throne room has literally NO enemies - this is very rare and very convenient. After some difficulty, I park those jerkwads, and kill Baal, who is rather easy after all of this. This is the longest segment in the run.
150- 巴尔。K的很顺利,只试了5次。不仅仅外面的毒蛇小怪是最容易杀的,而且王座里也没什么敌人——这情况真是太罕见了,爽!一阵努力之后,我干掉了大恐龙们,蹂躏了巴尔。跟整个过程相比,K B 真是太轻松了。这是全部视频中最长的一段。

151- The ol' cows. You can tell cow king is dead because he drops like 8 stamina potions.
151- 母牛关。牛魔王挂了,因为它扔出了8个耐力药水一样的东西。

152- Sucks to end on this segment, but because of the issues above (the segment replacement), I never ended up personalizing my item in nightmare. I do it here to wrap up the final quest in my ledger, and we're done!
152- 终于可以结束了!(sg552: 我也翻译的累死了orz)但是由于上文所说的,我还差个任务:噩梦难度中恩雅的任务奖励:给某件装备刻上自己的名字。所以我过去完成了它。欧了~~~

* I think I could have done without the second point in charged bolt.
我觉得本可以不必升级charged bolt.
* I could have handled the fire skills better. I leveled up fireball when it actually increases the damage more to level Fire Bolt. This also avoids increasing the mana cost, so it is a no brainer.
应该可以更好的分配火系技能点。升级了大火球之后,小火球(Fire Bolt)的威力也很大了,而小火球的耗魔又少,真是好主意啊!
* I should have gotten telekinesis as soon as I hit level 6, and used it more often. I didn't start using it on waypoints and shrines until a bit later than I should have. Oops.
一到第6级,我就应该升级 telekinesis (心灵遥感).然后尽量多用这个技能。多用它来踩路标,挂各种神殿。我用的晚了,哎~
* I think I shouldn't have repeated normal Baal - leveling in act 1 nightmare may have been more profitable.
不应该在普通难度下K 巴尔。在噩梦难度的第一幕,升级应该会更快。
* A better manipulated map would let me level better to 18 in act 2, and give me a great act 3 area for leveling to 20.
* I shouldn't have leveled to 25 before chaos sanctuary. I should have done ancients slightly before hitting level 24, which means I hit level 25 JUST as I start Baal, and can get the improved exp formula for him and his mobs.
进入混沌庇护所之前我不应该升到25级。而应该在3BB 之前升到23.9级,然后K巴尔的时候我就肯定25级了。这样K完得到的经验更多。
* I shouldn't have hit level 60 DURING the hell leveling segments, I should have hit 59.3 or so.
* I shouldn't have messed up those stupid nightmare Baal save files. That was just dumb.
* I could have gotten a better weapon from Nightmare meph. Occulus, specifically.
* I think I would have been better off with the act 2 Might merc for the extra damage. Hell countess + Hell Toorc both required merc beatdowns. Then I could have also given him a healthy lifeleech weapon, and maybe he would have survived hell ancients (and actually done something useful!)
如果我在ACT2雇个力量光环型米山哥也许会更好。地狱女伯爵 + 地狱Toorc都需要这样的米山来搞定。我可以给米山装个吸血武器,也许这样在地狱级3BB面前米山哥都不会倒下,继续发挥光和热。
Can't think of any more.
Thanks for watching!