关于4小时100%女巫通关,作者的留言 part1

我整篇翻译过来的。转载请注明译者sg552 [email protected] 。谢谢

(sg552注: 117段技巧必读)
SDA:  http://speeddemosarchive.com
100%通过: 通过所有难度,任务。

Sorceress class 100% 4:02 by Alan Burnett, done in 150 segments.
100%通过,4小时2分钟, Alan Burnett, 分成150段。

Author's comments:
First off, I highly recommend listening to the audio commentary. It has a lot of information these comments might miss.

Big thanks to everyone at SDA who supported this run - especially Requiem and Pweisger for putting up the bounty that gave me the kick to make this run happen. Zurreco and Lag.com for their knowledge and experience and helpful advice, and g0lem for his insanely thorough knowledge of the game, who corrected me on quite a few points. Adzicents, mr kidd, ShinerCCC, xud9dab2, bimanc, and all the rest on SDA forums and Youtube for their advice and support, and Suga for showing me how a sorc is SUPPOSED to level ;)
非常感谢SDA支持我这次跑通关的朋友——特别是 Requiem 和Pweisger,他们给我的奖金让我本次run的很有动力。 感谢Zurreco 和Lag.com 给我的经验和建议,感谢g0lem给的骨灰级玩家经验,他更正了我很多地方。感谢Adzicents, mr kidd, ShinerCCC, xud9dab2, bimanc以及所有SDA论坛和Youtube的朋友,他们给了我建议和支持。最后感谢 Suga,他向我展示了 how a sorc is SUPPOSED to level 。(不知道如何翻

Diablo 2: LOD is a good game. The difficulties are rather unique, in that you are expected to go through all 3 difficulties sequentially. Normal is for levels 1-35, Nightmare for 35-65, and the final enemies are in their 80s. There is a hard enforcer to make sure you abide close to this though - the second to last quest in each difficulty has a minimum level needed to complete it - 20 in normal, 40 in nightmare, and 60 in Hell. This makes leveling a large part of the game, even though I go for the minimum level, I still need to spend a decent chunk of time killing bosspacks and champ packs (the most efficient EXP) to level. The game allows for a 2.5-minute or so powerup "Exp Shrine" that doubles all the exp you get during that duration, which is extremely valuable. I spend a lot of effort to make sure I have this on whenever I am leveling.
D2 LOD是个好游戏。特别是游戏难度让它显得十分出众。我们需要依次通过所有的三种游戏难度。(对于游戏人物的等级来说)正常难度应该是1-35级,噩梦是35-65级,地狱难度是80级以上。只要你完成这些任务,你的人物就必定会达到:普通难度20级,噩梦难度40级,地狱难度60级。这样就让升级成为游戏中的很大一部分内容。尽管我为了让人物以尽可能小的等级通关,但还是在MF BOSS以及MF 喽啰(killing
bosspacks and champ packs)上花了不少时间。 经验神坛的作用时间在2分半左右,可以让你得到双倍经验,非常有用。我尽可能的在我升级的过程中使用着它。

I will write comments here for each segment, but I recommend you watch with audio commentary - it is probably more enjoyable (I have not recorded it as of writing these comments). There are 150 segments.

1- I apologize for the audio issue in here, as some of the louder sounds are messed up. It only exists in this segment though. This segment requires a lot of luck - getting the exp shrine, getting a decent armor, getting an early stamina potion, and having a light monster spawn in the den. Also it's nice to get some valuable items as gold is an important early resource. I got lucky on almost all fronts, although there were enough enemies so that my exp shrine wore off near the end. Unfortunate, but there was a lot of good luck on this segment.
1. 很抱歉本段中语音评论做的不好,有很多杂音。不过别怕,只有本段的语音评论有杂音而已:) 这一段中很需要运气,包括取得经验神殿,护甲神殿,取得耐力药水,在邪恶洞窟(den)中随机遇到发光的小怪. 以及得到些可以卖钱的装备,因为金钱在早期很重要。我几乎在这些方面人品都不错,很幸运。所以就算后来经验神殿时间到消失了,我还是有足够的小怪可以升级。总而言之,这一小段,我的人品很好。

2- The javelins and throwing knives are very handy here. There's still a lot of running in these segments, so I don't worry about getting the exp shrine early. I was rather lucky to get the CB orb, and charged bolt cleans up pretty well. The enemy spawns are rather unpredictable, so when I go up to visit the handful of goat people, I was expecting a much bigger spawn, but there's no way to know until I get there.
2- 标枪和飞刀在这里很有用。这里需要不停的跑步,所以什么时候得到经验神殿都没关系。得到CB球让我觉得很幸运,charged bolt闪电弹清怪非常有效。敌人的生成是随机的,所以当我去MF山羊人的时候,却让我碰到了更大的怪物群。真是很难预料。

3- The run to dark wood. I hit level 6 here and get Frost Nova, which is one of the few spells that just hits EVERYONE in a certain radius. It's not very high damage yet, but it will be.
3- dark wood。我升到了第6级,有了Frost Nova, 可以击中某个半径内的所有怪物。目前来看霜冻新星的伤害很小,但是以后会提高。

4- This is all about gold and a +2 frost nova staff. I perform this segment a bit sloppy, but it took many many many tries to get that staff to show up, so I kinda balked when it finally did.
4- 这一段就是卖钱,以及得到了一个+2 霜冻新星的杖。在这一段我玩的比较马虎和随意,但是我花了很大力气来得到那把随机出现的霜冻新星杖,当最后得到的时候我都累的不行了。

5- Tristram. Everything is just annihilated by my new frost nova, which makes my exp gain ridiculous. The assortment of enemies in trist are nearly perfect. Rather good segment, except near the end where there didn't happen to be a bosspack. Was still the right chance to take though. I lose time on collecting items, but gold is still extremely important for a while.
5- Tristram. 我的高技能霜冻新星在这里横扫一切,让我的经验狂涨。Tristram的怪物都是一片一片主动送上来,很好。这一段还不错,除了最后没有MF BOSS。(这句如何翻译?Was still the right chance to take though. 本应该是MF一下的?)我在MF装备的时候花了点时间,但是金钱在此时还是很重要的。

6- All about the quest reward. Akara has about a 9% chance to give me a 10% faster cast ring, and here it is. Fast cast is extremely important to the sorc - especially with repeat teleporting.
6- 关于人物奖励。Akara有9%的机会给我一个10%快速施法的戒指。这一段我就得到了。快速施法对女巫那是相当重要了。特别是在各种传送的时候。

7- Countess - you can see frost nova is pretty valuable here. Unfortunately I don't get a good rune, but since I got two experience shrines, I consider it an even deal. Not too much to say here.
7- 女伯爵 - 你可以看到霜冻新星在这里多么重要。小郁闷的是我没得到好神符。不过还好我挂了两个经验神殿,也值了。这里没什么值得细说的。

8- Pretty quick run to outer cloister. I don't get TOO much exp, but it's pretty good.
8- 跑到修道院外围的速度很快。没得到什么经验,但是自我感觉良好。

9- I use a TP drop here - at a certain intersection, I have to visit both sides. So I drop a town portal at the fork, work my way to the waypoint, then in town, take the TP back to the intersection and go towards the blacksmith. It saves a good amount of time that I don't have to backtrack at all. Everything goes pretty smoothly here - I spend a lot of time without my EXP shrine up though, but that's just a product of the large amount of running I have to do.
9- 在本段,我用了TP drop(sg552注:一种TP技巧。当你现在处于的位置是将来需要回来的位置的时候,就先放个TP门,然后继续往前跑,等前面的任务做完了,或者前面有个传送门的话,再传回基地,然后就可以回到最前面TP的位置了,很节省时间)。在某个岔口,如果我两边都要跑进去,就在岔口上放个TP,找到 waypoint,回到基地,再通过前面的TP传回到岔口,然后继续往前跑,跑到铁匠那里。节省了我大量时间。这里每个细节都处理的不错 - run的过程中我几乎没挂经验神殿,不过没什么。

10- I work my way all the way down the catacombs here to Andariel, who is not too hard since I got enough EXP for Fireball in the previous segments. Afterwards I go do Blood Raven. I skipped her earlier because she has such a ridiculous amount of HP, and even with fireball she still takes an annoyingly long time. She is hard to static since my static range is so low, and she's constantly moving around.
10- 我从地下墓穴一路杀到安MM的面前。安MM很容易搞定,因为我的等级上来了,可以使用大火球了。然后我去搞定了血鸦。之前没有做这个任务是因为血鸦的HP太太太多了。甚至在大火球面前她还支持了N久。对她很难用静力场,因为我的静力场范围太小,她又一直跑动,难以近身。

11- I have to do a lot of leveling in Act 2 at the far oasis, so I don't bother getting an exp shrine or killing much since the Oasis is much more efficient. There's a shortcut to get to the A2 waypoint that I don't do here, because I need to hit Lyslander for potions.
11- 在ACT2中我在遥远绿洲使劲升级。不担心没有经验神殿(可以回第一幕拿)或者杀的太少。在这里真的非常适合升级。有一个近路可以拿到ACT2的一个waypoint,不过我没走,因为我需要打Lyslander,拿到potion.

12- Town segment to prepare for the leveling. I get my merc and okay weapon, and grab everything I need. Nothing special here.
12- 城镇这一段,准备升级。我得到了merc(? pet?) 和不错的武器,得到了所有需要的东西。这一段没啥特别的。

13-21- Leveling to 18. Really nothing too fun here, it's rather repetitive. but necessary. Notice I keep a lot of skill points unspent, I need to save them for some of the prereqs to make sure I get everything I need once I have level 30 (which includes basically the whole cold tree).

22- Countess run - I get Tir+Ral+Tal here. Tir+Ral is for Leaf runeword, which gives me +6 fireball. Tal+Eth is for Stealth, which gives me faster run/walk, and also 25% faster cast rate. Extremely valuable, both of them.
22- MF女伯爵。我得到了Tir + Ral + Tal神符。Tir + Ral 是Leaf神符之语。给我 +6 大火球的技能。 Tal + Eth 是潜行,让我泡的更快,以及25%的快速施法。这两个东东都非常有用。

23- Picking up two socket items - shield + chest. Shield is for Ancients Pledge, which comes later - breastplate is for Stealth.
23- 取得两个带孔装备- 盾 + 胸甲。盾是用来做远古誓言,胸甲做潜行。

24- Eth rune mentioned above.
24- 上面已经说了,Eth神符。

25- Getting a 2 socket staff. If I found one that gave +fireball I could have ended up with a +7 fireball staff, but it's not too necessary, and it costs a ton of gold - more than I'm willing to spare here.
25- 取得一个2孔杖。如果我能找到一个 加大火球的杖,我就能得到一个 + 7 大火球技能的杖了。但得不到也没关系,因为需要花太多钱(来赌博了)。有点得不偿失。

26- Sewers - I can't use the Leaf just yet, so the killing speed is not remarkable. Now that I have teleport, it's pretty quick.
26- 下水道 - 这里我用不了Leaf,所以杀怪的速度没那么快。但我可以用传送,很爽。

27- Getting the cube here. The only problem with my teleport is the mana cost is prohibitive - with these dinky potions, I can't regen mana faster than my rapid-fire teleport spends it. I need to teleport, walk, teleport, walk, which is a bit annoying, but that is for this act only. Next act I get better mana potions.
27- 取得cube. 这里唯一的问题是,蓝瓶太贵了有点买不起。而且蓝瓶还很小,用了蓝瓶之后魔法的恢复速度又无法满足我的 “大火球——传送”的反复使用。我不得不:传送,跑,传送,跑,真让人恼火,不过这问题仅仅存在于这一幕(指act2 )下一幕我就有了大蓝瓶。

28- Maggot lair. Killing here is annoying since they're all clumped, but there's not too much danger here, so I can live in those big mobs of enemies.
28- 蛆穴。这里杀怪很烦,因为他们都一团一团的(clumped?)。不过没什么危险,他们的攻击就是看着好看而已。没什么杀伤力。

29- Getting the amulet, last piece I need for Act 2.
29- 取得了护身符,ACT2的任务物品。

30- After a couple chores in town, I get to go down to the Arcane Sanctuary, where leveling is pretty strong. I finally am able to equip Leaf here, which lets me REALLY mow down these guys.
30- 在城镇中做了点准备,我就去了庇护所,在这里练级很爽。最后终于可以装备Leaf(神符之语)了,打起怪来很痛快!

31- Duriel, who's not too rough. Notice I go into the palace, take a TP to town and walk to Meshif, which is a lot faster than walking all the way to Meshif.
31- 都大虫,打起来不是很难。请注意,我先进入到供电,然后使用了一个TP回到城镇,再走向马席夫。这样可以节省很多时间。

32-Housekeeping and grabbing the spider eye. I manage to make almost perfect use of my EXP shrine here, which is nice. Unfortunately, the Act 3 map is set up such that there's no waypoint near me, which means I have to walk out the front door again. Fortunately it's ripe for leveling.
32- 找啊找啊找眼睛。我接近完美的使用了经验神殿,不错吧?可惜在这次随机生成的地图中,我附近没有路标waypoint,所以我不得不再次从前门走出去。幸运的是我做好了练级的准备(可以顺路杀怪物了)